The Dragonfly

The Dragonfly

     It al­ways amazes me how many of our cus­tomers can’t sharp­en a knife. When we get ques­tions re­gard­ing the best way to re-sharp­en our broad­heads, my ini­tial re­ply is, “if you can sharp­en...
The Line We Won't Cross

The Line We Won't Cross

The line we won’t cross....      It’s hard to believe that it’s been five years since we start­ed Day Six. In that time we’ve ex­pe­ri­enced many highs and lows not un­com­mon with new com­pa­nies...
12 Fac­tors of Ar­row Pen­e­tra­tion

12 Fac­tors of Ar­row Pen­e­tra­tion

For most bowhunters, re­gard­less of ex­pe­ri­ence lev­el, the quest for max­i­mum pene­tra­tion is pri­or­i­ty number one. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, the lion's share of in­for­ma­tion and re­sources avail­able (whether it be the lo­cal shop, You­Tube or so­cial me­dia)...
Why are the Day Six Centric Sys­tem com­po­nents the best?

Why are the Day Six Centric Sys­tem com­po­nents the best?

Why are the Day Six Centric Sys­tem com­po­nents the best? The Achilles heel of the mi­cro di­am­e­ter ar­row has al­ways been the com­po­nents.Ei­ther they don’t spin true, they hang up in bag tar­gets, or they...
To four fletch or not to four fletch, that is the question.....

To four fletch or not to four fletch, that is the question.....

To four fletch or not to four fletch, that is the question..... One of the most com­mon ques­tions we re­ceive dai­ly is whether to choose four fletch or three fletch? What are the ben­e­fits and...