To four fletch or not to four fletch, that is the question.....

To four fletch or not to four fletch, that is the question.....

To four fletch or not to four fletch, that is the question.....

One of the most com­mon ques­tions we re­ceive dai­ly is whether to choose four fletch or three fletch? What are the ben­e­fits and ad­van­tages of each, and why?

The an­swer is not a sim­ple yes or no for most, but for ex­pe­ri­enced hunters it
is....yes. But, be­fore the “grain coun­ters” re­volt in hor­ror and de­clare their dis­sat­is­fac­tion in the lack of de­tail, graphs, charts and spread sheets with such a sim­ple an­swer, I’ll expand with the DATA to keep all con­tin­gents hap­py.

The pri­ma­ry job of fletch­ing is to sta­bi­lize an ar­row as quick­ly as pos­si­ble by way
of ro­ta­tion. For most shoot­ers, the fletch­ing has to work “over­time” to ac­com­plish this task due to poor tune or poor shot ex­e­cu­tion. So a four fletch ar­row will “re­cov­er” faster which is an ad­van­tage. Should the ar­row en­counter a de­flec­tion on its path to the tar­get, a four fletch will “re­cov­er” slight­ly faster and sta­bi­lize the ar­row be­fore impact. With the ad­di­tion of a broad­head, the above is­sues are only mag­ni­fied, fur­ther re­in­forc­ing the ben­e­fits of four fletch.

So, why doesn’t every­one shoot for fletch then? Well, there’s al­ways cons to accom­pa­ny pros.....

Noise is cer­tain­ly a ma­jor con­sid­er­a­tion for a hunt­ing ar­row and a four fletch arrow does gen­er­ate a high­er deci­bel lev­el than three fletch by way of ad­di­tion­al drag. To that end, that ad­di­tion­al drag also re­duces speed slight­ly. How much, well our test­ing only in­di­cates only 1-2 fps....which to some (the grain count­ing con­tin­gent) is a deal break­er. In truth, if a bow is prop­er­ly tuned and shot ex­e­cu­tion is cor­rect, the fletch­ings should just be “along for the ride” as their pri­ma­ry task is cor­rec­tion. If there’s noth­ing to cor­rect, then they serve no pur­pose.

So now that the de­tails have been dis­cussed and the “grain coun­ters” are slight­ly sat­is­fied, why is the an­swer a sim­ple yes for ex­pe­ri­enced hunters? The fol­low up shot....that’s it in a nut­shell.

Ex­pe­ri­enced hunters know that the fol­low up shot whether be­cause of an ini­tial miss or just an in­sur­ance sec­ond ar­row is a re­al­i­ty and be­ing pre­pared for that is paramount. So how does a four fletch ar­row aid in this? The abil­i­ty to load a sec­ond ar­row quick­ly with­out hav­ing to take your eyes off the an­i­mal is more im­por­tant than all the pros and cons above in my opin­ion. As a tra­di­tion­al hunter for more than 25 years, the re­al­i­ty is MANY of the an­i­mals I’ve killed have come af­ter I’ve sent a “warn­ing” shot down range. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, even with a com­pound many times a fol­low up ar­row on an an­i­mal I knew was hit “per­fect” has been the fa­tal ar­row.

To put a bow on this, we are a hunt­ing com­pa­ny. Our philoso­phies only cen­ter
around fill­ing tags con­sis­tent­ly and with ef­fi­cien­cy. We are not go­ing to make de­ci-
sions and rec­om­men­da­tions based upon “data”, rather real world ex­pe­ri­ence that we love to share to make you, our cus­tomers, more suc­cess­ful.


- Bryan Broderick, Day Six Gear