The Best 5mm Arrow Yet?

The Best 5mm Arrow Yet?

The Best 5mm Arrow Yet?

    Among the many re­quests we re­ceive for new prod­ucts, a lighter 5mm shaft is by far the most highly requested. While we still firm­ly be­lieve that our HD se­ries shafts com­bined with our Cen­tric sys­tem is the best hunt­ing ar­row ever pro­duced, we cer­tain­ly want to be conscious of what our cus­tomers want.

    His­tor­i­cal­ly the 5mm shaft is less durable be­cause of thin­ner walls or less ma­te­r­i­al re­quired to achieve each size spine due to the larg­er di­am­e­ter. The byprod­uct of that is a lighter GPI (grains per inch), that will al­low for more point weight should one want that. They also al­low for more light­ed nock op­tions that are a lit­tle more durable than those of­fered for 4mm shafts due to more ma­te­r­i­al around the light­ing ap­pa­ra­tus.

    Please note, we are still not fans of light­ed nocks, as we feel the nock is quite possi­bly the most crit­i­cal com­po­nent in achiev­ing con­sis­tent, re­peat­able ar­row flight.

    With that said, we de­vel­oped the XD se­ries of shafts to ad­dress the com­mon issues as­so­ci­at­ed with 5mm shafts.

    So what did we do dif­fer­ent­ly?

    Dura­bil­i­ty was our big­gest is­sue with 5mm shafts and with such lit­tle car­bon mater­i­al re­quired to pro­duce them we knew we had to re­in­force them at their weak points, the ends.

    Our Cen­tric sys­tem eas­i­ly han­dles the task on the front as well as of­fer­ing dif­ferent weights for those want­i­ng high­er point weight. By adding an al­loy bush­ing we are able to add re­in­force­ment on the nock end as well as al­low for our nock which we feel is the best nock avail­able. The small­er the nock the less nock pinch you will have, pretty sim­ple stuff.

    These shafts have the same tight pro­duc­tion tol­er­ances as our HD se­ries and will be of­fered in both .001” and .003” straight­ness.

    Should you have any ques­tions, not ad­dressed here, please feel free to give us a call. We are al­ways hap­py to help in any way that we can.

    As al­ways, thanks for your con­tin­ued sup­port of this small, fam­i­ly op­er­at­ed compa­ny. We are tru­ly grate­ful.