Failing to plan is plan­ning to fail

Failing to plan is plan­ning to fail
     As we be­gin to get back to nor­mal around here and re­cov­er from the mad August rush, I would be re­miss if I didn’t share this les­son. It’s go­ing to be a lit­tle “tough love” for some of you and we might lose a few cus­tomers, but if we aren’t try­ing to help our cus­tomers (even at the cost of los­ing some sales) then we are no bet­ter than the rest.


     The mere fact that we have a mad Au­gust rush is prob­lem­at­ic in that it in­di­cates a clear lack of plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion pri­or to the sea­sons open­ing. You would be shocked at how many cus­tomers or­dered ar­rows or broad­heads the same week they were to leave on a hunt. (I think every­one went to CO elk hunt­ing this year...)


     This will not be a lengthy ar­ti­cle as there’s very lit­tle to say oth­er than “fail­ing to plan is plan­ning to fail”, but here are a few points.


     If not enough time is al­lowed for prop­er tun­ing, prac­tice and sort­ing out po­ten­tial prob­lems with your equip­ment, you’re leav­ing your suc­cess to chance. Let me be VERY clear in the fol­low­ing point; the guys that fill tags every sin­gle year leave ab­so­lute­ly noth­ing to chance; rather, they have their equip­ment 100% ready months be­fore seasons be­gin.

     The ad­van­tage of ear­ly prepa­ra­tion aside from the ob­vi­ous are the re­sources avail­able to you for as­sistance. When you wait un­til Au­gust, even July re­al­ly, to get your equip­ment ready its at a time when pro shops, man­u­fac­tur­ers, and re­tail­ers are at their busiest. There­fore, they are not go­ing to have time to give you the prop­er at­tention you may need to sort out an is­sue. In con­trast, if you’ll be­gin in Jan­uary or February you will get the best one on one ser­vice pos­si­ble, as it’s the slow­est time of the year and there is a sur­plus of time and man pow­er.


     Hear this clear­ly, if you wait un­til the last minute to pre­pare, odds are that you are not go­ing to be suc­cess­ful. Bowhunt­ing is hard and it’s not some­thing you can short­cut in any way, and for a lot of us that’s why we love it so much.

     We are go­ing to come up with ideas to en­cour­age our cus­tomers to get what they need in the “off sea­son” in hopes that the byprod­uct of that will be more peo­ple pre­paring ear­li­er and sub­se­quent­ly be­ing more suc­cess­ful. At the end of the day, that’s our num­ber one goal.


     As al­ways, thanks for your sup­port! We are tru­ly blessed to be do­ing what we love.