The Best Just Got Better

The Best Just Got Better

The Best Just Got Better

     In June of 2019, I de­signed a glue-in or screw-in style broad­head sys­tem that had an ex­tend­ed shank with the goal of achiev­ing max­i­mum dura­bil­i­ty and con­cen­tric­i­ty when used with mi­cro (4mm) di­am­e­ter shafts. Once pro­to­typed, sim­ple test­ing would re­veal that while it did im­prove con­cen­tric­i­ty it was ac­tu­al­ly less durable.

     Sim­ply put, any ar­row com­po­nent, head, point, etc is only as strong as its weak­est part. What was dis­cov­ered to be the weak­est point on this style sys­tem was the shoulder, or shank of the head, where it en­ters the shaft. By re­duc­ing this sec­tion to .165” from the stan­dard .204” di­am­e­ter to al­low to­tal im­mer­sion into the mi­cro di­am­e­ter shaft it cre­at­ed a no­tice­able weak point (see be­low) and the head/point would snap off on the slight­est of an­gled im­pacts. So I scrapped it.

     When we are de­sign­ing any­thing here at Day Six, we are al­ways con­scious of “the weak­est un­sup­port­ed point”. What does that mean you ask? Well, when a weak point is dis­cov­ered we try and de­vel­op a way to “bridge” or “sup­port” it with an­oth­er compo­nent or ma­te­r­i­al cre­at­ing an over­lap. Even with the ad­di­tion of a col­lar, it still leaves the weak point ex­posed and un­sup­port­ed so we had to come up with an­oth­er so­lution.

     Our so­lu­tion, the new EVO CS (Centric Series).


     Avail­able in three weights, the EVO CS (Centric Series) will be of­fered for our 4mm shafts. Fea­tur­ing an in­te­grat­ed col­lar, this is es­sen­tial­ly a “one-piece” monolith­ic unit that will pro­vide the ul­ti­mate in dura­bil­i­ty as well as con­cen­tric­i­ty.

     With match­ing weight field points, they can be in­stalled us­ing hot melt glue for easy ex­change and broad­head align­ment.

4mm to­tal weights.

150, 175, 200. 

     While these are de­signed to fit per­fect­ly with Day Six shafts, they will fit shafts from all oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers as well. The OD of oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers shafts will have to be cross ref­er­enced to de­ter­mine the prop­er size.


     The EVO Centric Sys­tem will be avail­able for im­me­di­ate ship­ping Feb­ruary 1st and as with all Day Six broad­heads they are 100% Amer­i­can made right here in WYOMING.


     As al­ways, thank you for your con­tin­ued sup­port of this small fam­i­ly run com­pa­ny.